Indian Association Physiotherapist is a registered body in India, with over 30,000 physiotherapist as member of this body.Mumbai Branch of Indian Association of Physiotherapist (MBIAP)is the first hence oldest branch of IAP formed almost 50 years ago. It is to its credit that it is considered as branch of IAP since many years due to sustain, consistent and determined & Honorary Physiotherapist s efforts to maintain high level of educational and social activities.
It regularly organizing clinical meetings and workshops in various subjects for Professional development to improve the standard of Physiotherapists and the profession, not forgetting awareness programs and free camps. It was very active during massive earthquake in Latur, Maharashtra where Rehabilitation program was planned for almost a year for the needy victims.MBIAP regularly organizes conferences and annual day celebrations which includes inter-college dance competitions and entertainment programs. It felicitates bright students by giving medals at under and post graduate levels. The branch has played an active role in initiating forums for curriculum development, council and any other matter related to profession.
The contribution of Pioneers of Physiotherapy profession at national and international level like Prof. Shahani, Prof. Dastoor, Mokashi Sir, Jawale Sir, Jacob Sir, Miss Kapadia, Saroj Sanghavi, Mr & Mrs Chainani and others, is acknowledged by felicitating them .
It is hard to forget the constant and sustained efforts of Deepak kachalia, Shailesh Hathi, Mariya Jiandani, Ashok Patil, Rupal Shah and others to maintain and improve the standard of MBIAP, which is very smoothly getting transferred to Dhruv Mehta, Ravindran, Vincent and Ajeeta.
It is untiring efforts of like minded determined Physios that has sustained the educational, social activities of the branch for so many years and many many years to come.