Mumbai branch of IAP in association with Arthroscopy Academy, Mumbai had organised a two day international Conference on "Physiotherapy and Sports Rehabilitation Congress" On 26th and 27th July, 2019 @Hotel Grand Hyatt.
The Congress was attended by almost 150 delegates. Faculties were from all over the globe which were experts in Sports medicine, Orthopedic surgery, Specialist in Arthroscopic surgery in Sports, Sports Physiotherapy and Sports Rehabilitation, Exercise science and Sports Psychology.
Big thanks to the organising committee of Arthroscopy Academy, Mumbai especially Dr. Roshan Wade for associatimg with Mumbai branch for the first time. Also for a big thanks for all the medical faculties (both National and International) who emphasised the need to work in a multidisciplinary team approach in striving for achieving best outcome for the treating population.
Mumbai branch also thanks Dipti Geere, Jyothsna Thosar, Sailesh Hathi, Deepak Kachalia for their support in organising this event. We also thank all the National and international faculties, who inspite of their busy schedules took time to share their experiences with the delegates.
Mumbai branch also thank all the delegates who had attended this event and made it a grand success. Thanks for keeping faith in Mumbai branch which motivates us to work harder to provide you the best of knowledge.
Check out the gallery section for some glimpses of the Congress.
Truely, Mumbai branch of IAP has gone GLOBAL.
Mumbai branch of IAP