
Free Webinar on Ankle Module

  • 24th June-2020 4:00 PM

Moderator - Dr.Ajeeta Kulkarni(PT) - 9820674888
For any Queries Contact:
Dr.Ravindran R(PT) - 9820264446
Dr.Mayur Revadkar(PT) - 9619581894

Webinar Details
Zoom ID : 852 3607 7661
Zoom Password : 548418

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Webinar Series 3 - Ankle Module
Event Flyer Link
Importance of Footwear in Return Sports
Dr.Kushal Nag
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Apollo Hospital, Kolkata
Fellow at The Institute for Foot and Ankle Reconstruction,

End Stage Rehab & Return to Sports After Ankle Sprain
Dr.Vaibhav Daga(PT),
Head Sports Physiotherapist and Consultant Sports Medicine,
KDAH,Center for Sports Medicine

Flyer Youtube Link
Complexity of Ankle Sprain in Sports
Dr.Nicholas Antao
M.S. FCPS and DNB in Orthopaedics
HOD, Dept of Orthopaedics, Holy Spirit Hospital, Andheri
Sports Arthroscopy Consultant at Bethany Hospital, Thane

Ankle Rehabilitation in Sports
Dr.Nikhil Latey(PT),
MSc in sports & Excercise Science,Roehampton University, London
Consultant Physiotherapist & Sports Scientist at Sportsmed Activ
GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai

Chairperson : Dr.Hutoxi Writer(PT)
Flyer Youtube Link
Webinar Series 2 - Spine Module
Event Flyer Link
Panel Discussion on Physiotherapeutic Approaches in
management of Low Back Pain

Madhavi Gadhvi
Prakkash Sharoff
Pratiti Goradia
Flyer Youtube Link
Movement Impairment in spinal dysfunction
Dr.Rajani Mullerpattan(PT),
Professor & Director,
MGM School of Physiotherapy,
Navi Mumbai

Influence of Hip Mobility on pelvic stability
Dr.Hemakshi Basu(PT),
Movement Specialist,
Manual Therapy, UNISA, Aus
Accredited Kinetic Control
Tutor, UK
Flyer Youtube Link
Webinar Series 1 - Shoulder Rehabilitation
Event Flyer Link
Common Shoulder Problems
Dr.Mihir Patel
Atthroscopy & Sports Medicine consultant
Assistant Professor at H.B.T Medical College
and Dr. R. N. Cooper Hospital, Mumbai

Shoulder Pathologies and movement dysfunction -
Physiotherapist perspective

Dr.Bhavana S Mhatre(PT),
MPT in Musculoskeltal Physiotherapy
Professor at Physiotherapy School and Center at
GS Medical College and KEM Hospital, Mumbai
Flyer Youtube Link
Restoring Dynamic Shoulder Stability
Dr. John Nyland (PT)
Program Director for Master of Science in
Athletic Training at Spalding University, USA
Member of ESSKA, The Sports and
Orthopaedic sections of the APTA

Managing Shoulder Stiffness
Dr. Yuvraj Singh (PT)
MPT in Musculoskeltal Physiotherapy
Faculty for Strength and Conditioning Academy, India
Ex Faculty at MGM School of Physiotherapy
Flyer Youtube Link
Rotator Cuff Injuries - What and How of Surgical Management
Dr. Abhishek Nerurkar
M.S. Orthopaedics, D. N. B. Orthopaedics,
F. Sports Medicine and Arthroscopy, Germany,
F. Advanced Hip and Knee Joint Reconstruction (SICOT)

Physiotherapy for Rotator Cuff Involvment
Dr. Ajit Dabholkar (PT)
Professor and Head, Department of Sports Physiotherapy,
D Y Patil School of Physiotherapy, Navi Mumbai
Flyer Youtube Link
Throwing Injuries
Dr. Sandeep R Biraris
Head of Orthopaedics, Mumbai Port Trust Hospital,
F. Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine,
Southern Illinois Uinversity,

Assesment and Management of throwing Injuries
Dr. Niranjan Pandit (PT),
physiotherapist,National Cricket Academy, BCCI Banglore
MPTh in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Flyer Youtube Link